The Best Weight Watchers Chocolate Smoothie Recipes

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Losing weight with the WW plan? Find some great Weight Watchers Chocolate Smoothie Recipes here!

glass of chocolate banana smoothie with dark background
Sweet chocolate banana smoothie with coconut milk and dates decorated with mint leaves on wooden background

I’m a huge fan of Weight Watchers. In fact, that’s the program I’m on right now! I’ve lost more than 30 pounds in the last four months and I’ve done it without feeling deprived or never eating pizza again.

Since I’m also a huge fan of smoothies, I decided to put together some information on how you can incorporate smoothies into your Weight Watchers plan. Since chocolate is such a favorite, we are starting with Weight Watchers chocolate smoothie recipes!

If you want to see my before and after pics so far, scroll to the bottom of this post.

Weight Watchers smoothies are a great way to stay within your daily points allowance while still enjoying a decadent treat. With these delicious chocolate smoothie recipes, you can enjoy the flavor of chocolate with none of the guilt!

Benefits of Weight Watchers and How it Works

The Weight Watchers program is one of the most popular weight loss programs out there today, thanks to its simplicity and ease of use. Rather than focusing exclusively on food, Weight Watchers also takes into consideration your activity level, health goals, and other factors that affect your weight.

At the core of Weight Watchers is a point system in which each food is assigned a value based on its nutritional content. You can then use that point total to build meals and snacks that work within your daily points allowance.

Whether you’re looking to lose just a few pounds or want to tackle more significant weight loss goals, Weight Watchers is an excellent program for those who want results without feeling like they’re on a diet.

One of the things I love most about Weight Watchers is that there are no foods that are off-limits. You can eat whatever you want, as long as it fits within your daily points allowance. So, for me, that occasionally means pizza, Chick-fil-a sandwich and other higher points foods. I eat zero or low points foods for my other meals.

This makes smoothies a great option for those on Weight Watchers, as they can be made with a variety of fruits and vegetables that are low in points. And, by using a chocolate protein powder or cacao powder, it’s a delicious way you can get that chocolate flavor without blowing your entire day’s worth of points.

Do I Have to Count Zero Points Foods if They Are in a Smoothie?

Sadly, the answer is yes. According to Weight Watchers:

“If it’s something you’ll drink, like a juice or smoothie, the nutrition facts for zero SmartPoints value fresh fruits and vegetables count towards the total. If it’s something you’ll eat, like a salsa, sauce, stew, or soup, fresh fruits, and most vegetables, it will remain zero SmartPoints values in those recipes.”

Click here to read more about smoothies and points.

How to Make Weight Watchers Smoothies

Making smoothies is pretty simple, but there are a few tips I always follow to make sure my smoothie is delicious and within my daily points.

First, I always start with a base of unsweetened almond milk. You can use any type of milk you want, but I find that almond milk has the least amount of points and still gives me a creamy smoothie. Simply Almond brand is only one personal point on my plan and it is also a good source of calcium.

Next, I add in my protein powder. There are several brands of chocolate protein powder that are only 2 points per scoop, so this is a great way to get some extra protein into my diet without blowing my points for the day.

Sometimes I use a ready-made shake of Premier Protein chocolate, which is two points and is my liquid base AND my chocolate and protein, so I save a point there. Premier shakes have 30g of protein so I also use those as a snack sometimes!

In terms of fresh fruit and vegetables, I generally stick with low-point options like bananas, strawberries, spinach, avocado. But any combination will work.

The link above helps you calculate how many points a smoothie is, or you can try one of these delicous smoothie recipes so you know already how many points it is.

Weight Watchers Chocolate Smoothie Recipes that are Healthy and Delicious

Weight Watchers has their own line of smoothie drink mixes, so if you are unsure about what protein powder to use you can buy theirs for a high protein smoothie. They make great Weight Watchers shakes just with water or a 1 cup almond milk. I usually like to add leafy greens to make mine a green smoothie, and sometimes I’ll throw in a teaspoon vanilla extract for extra flavor in my favorite recipes.

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Easiest Chocolate Smoothie

Weight Watchers sells their own brand of creamy chocolate smoothie mix, so if you are looking for the quickest and easiest way to blend up a smoothie to go, this is it.

The only ingredients in this smoothie are water and the smoothie mix.

Points: 2 Personal Points per serving


Chocolate Weight Watchers Peanut Butter Banana Smoothie

This smoothie is definitely a meal replacement, or for when you have extra points left over at night (which sometimes happens to me). I always try to eat all my points in the day so if you need some points this is a great way to get them.

This smoothie uses banana, ice cubes, skim milk, unsweetened cocoa powder, peanut butter powder and plain Greek yogurt.

Points: 8 Personal Points per serving


Chocolate Banana Protein Smoothie

This smoothie is in between the two above. It uses the Weight Watchers smoothie mix, but also adds other ingredients in.

It uses the smoothie mix, banana, ice, water and skim milk.

Points: 6 Personal Points per serving


Weight Watchers Banana Chocolate Smoothie

This has a unique twist in that it includes sugar free chocolate pudding mix! You’ll notice banana is a common ingredient in this list because it just pairs so well with chocolate.

This smoothie includes skim milk, sugar free chocolate pudding and banana so it’s a super easy make.

Points: 4 or 5 depending upon your plan


The problem with most Weight Watcher chocolate smoothie recipes I found on the web is that they don’t tell you how many points they are, and if you’re looking for a recipe to make quickly, you’re going to need that information!

So I would stick with one of the options listed above so that I knew how many points I was eating.

Tips for Making Health and Delicious Weight Watchers Chocolate Smoothie Recipes

As I mentioned above, always start with a base of unsweetened almond milk or water. You can use any type of liquid you want, but I find that almond milk has the least amount of points and still gives me a creamy smoothie. Use any low-fat milk or nonfat milk of your chioce.

Use simple ingredients (which are healthy ingredients!) in your sweet treat so it’s not too difficult to calculate how many points it is.

Stick with low calorie foods for a no added guilt, delicious smoothie recipe.

Another tip is to add in your protein powder. There are several brands of chocolate protein powder that are only 2 points per scoop, so this is a great way to get some extra protein into my diet without blowing my points for the day.

Finally, consider adding in low-point fruits like bananas or strawberries and vegetables like spinach or avocado to boost the nutrients in your smoothie and help you reach your daily recommended intake.

Thicken up your smoothie and you can have a Weight Watchers breakfast smoothie bowl!

By following these tips, you can create delicious and nutritious chocolate smoothie recipes that are perfect for satisfying your sweet tooth while staying on track with your Weight Watchers points goals!

Common Questions about Weight Watchers Smoothie Recipes

Are smoothies good on Weight Watchers?

Yes! As long as you choose low points foods, smoothies can be a great way to stay satisfied and reach your daily point allowance.

How do you calculate the points for smoothies?

There are many online calculators that will help you to determine the points of your favorite smoothie recipes, or you can use one of the recipes listed above as a starting point.

Are there any special ingredients or tools I need to make smoothies?

Smoothies are a very versatile and flexible food, so you can use whatever ingredients you prefer.
However, if you’re looking for a creamy texture without using ice cream, coconut milk is a great option that is low in points. And you’ll also want some sort of blender to blend your ingredients together.
There are many affordable and powerful blenders on the market, so you can find one that fits your budget and needs.

Why is a smoothie so many points on WW?

The points will vary based on the ingredients you choose, but typically points will be higher if your smoothie contains indulgent or creamy ingredients like ice cream, full-fat yogurt, or other high fat and sugar options.
However, there are always ways to lower the points of your smoothies by using things like skim milk, unsweetened almond milk, or protein powder. And you can always add in low-point fruits and vegetables to boost the nutritional content of your smoothie.


I’m almost four months into my weight-loss journey on the Weight Watchers diet, and I’m super happy with this diet plan. You create a Weight Watchers account, download the app and then you get all the information you need to start tracking points!

Before this plan, whenever I was on a diet, I was always a hungry girl, but with this plan I have so may options that I really don’t feel hungry. I like the Personal Points plan so much better than the Points Plus or Freestyle plan. It’s really the best one they have released yet.

The best part how I can scan any product in the supermarket with my app and learn how many points are in each serving. I also love how easy it is to look up most restaurants and instantly find their points values. AND you get added points for vegetables, drinking your water and exercise! I love it!

Here is my before and now pics (I’m still working on the “after” haha):

before and after of author's weight loss with Weight Watchers

I’m sticking with the plan and I can’t wait to see where I go from here!

I hope you’ve enjoyed this post of some of my favorite WW chocolate smoothies!

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