How to Make Vegetable Smoothies Taste Good

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Most people don’t like the taste of vegetables, but that doesn’t mean they have to miss out on all the health benefits. Vegetable smoothies are a great way to get your daily dose of fruits and vegetables, and with a little creativity, you can make them taste great too.

In this article, we will look at some tips for making vegetable smoothies taste good.

vegetable smoothies made with spinach with seeds on top in the shape of a heart
We love veggie smoothies!

Start with a good base

A good base is essential for making vegetable smoothies taste good. Most people prefer to start with a fruit smoothie and then add vegetables, but you can also start with vegetables if you want (and I’m assuming you want to, since you’re reading an article about how to make vegetable smoothies taste good). Some good bases for vegetable smoothies include banana, mango, pineapple, and apple.

If you’re looking to make a smoothie without fruit, see our guide to How to Make Green Smoothies Taste Good Without Fruit.

Add some sweetness

If your smoothie tastes too bland or earthy, add some sweetness by adding honey, maple syrup, or agave nectar. Just be careful not to add too much sweetener or it will overpower the other flavors in the smoothie.

You can also add fruit here for this purpose as well. I love to use a frozen banana in my smoothies because it adds a natural sweetness and also gives the smoothie a creamier texture. Most of the recipes here on this site use frozen banana.

You can also add stevia, monk fruit, or other natural sweeteners that don’t add calories. Also consider using coconut water or orange juice for sweetness.

Add flavor with protein powder

If you want to add some flavor to your smoothie without adding calories, try using protein powder or spices. Protein powder comes in a variety of flavors, so you’re sure to find one that you like. Just be careful not to add too much, as it can make the smoothie taste chalky. I find that one scoop of protein powder is enough to add flavor without being too overbearing.

Some of my favorite flavors of protein powder for smoothies are vanilla and chocolate. It’s no surprise they are the most popular flavors, either. They pair well with so many other flavors. You can also find fruit flavored protein powders, and even cookie, candy and cereal flavored powders.

With so many different protein powders out there, you’re bound to find one you like.

Use flavorful ingredients

There are many different flavors of vegetables out there and you should use as many of them as possible in your smoothies. Some great flavor combinations include spinach and strawberry, cucumber and lime, carrot and ginger, and beet and grapefruit.

If you don’t want to use fruit, try a sweet veggie such as carrots or sweet potato.

Use milder veggies

If you’re trying to hide the taste of vegetables, try cauliflower or spinach, two veggies that don’t have super strong tastes and are easily covered up by other flavors.

Cauliflower is a great choice for smoothies because it’s very mild and has a neutral flavor that goes well with almost anything. I’ve even used it in chocolate smoothies before and you couldn’t taste it at all.

Spinach is another good choice for smoothies, although it does have a bit more of a “green” flavor than cauliflower. If you’re new to making leafy green smoothies, I recommend starting with spinach smoothies and then working your way up to other leafy greens such as for a kale smoothie and even a collard greens smoothie, which have stronger flavors.

Add some fat

Fat is an important nutrient and it can also help make your smoothie taste better. Healthy fats such as avocado, nut butter, or flaxseed oil can help to round out the flavor of a smoothie and make it more satisfying.

I like to add a tablespoon or two of nut butter such as almond butter or peanut butter to my smoothies for both the flavor and the extra protein and healthy fat. It really helps to keep me full until lunchtime.

You can also add coconut milk, full-fat yogurt, or cream to your smoothie for a richer flavor.

Try different combinations

There are endless possibilities when it comes to flavor combinations, so don’t be afraid to experiment. If you’re not sure what flavors go well together, try looking for recipes online or in cookbooks. Once you find a combination you like, stick with it.

Over time, you’ll develop a repertoire of favorite smoothie recipes that you can make over and over again.

Don’t be afraid to experiment with different flavors and ingredients until you find a combination that you like. There are endless possibilities when it comes to flavor combinations, so don’t be afraid to experiment. If you’re not sure what flavors go well together, try looking for recipes online or in cookbooks. Once you find a combination you like, stick with it.

With a little trial and error, you’ll be able to create delicious smoothies that are packed with nutrients and flavor.

Use spices wisely

Adding spices to your vegetable smoothies can help improve the taste immensely. Some great spices to use include cinnamon, nutmeg, ginger and pumpkin pie spice. Just be careful not to add too much or it will make the smoothie too spicy.

Add yogurt or milk

Adding yogurt or milk to your smoothie will make it creamier and more filling. If you are using yogurt, make sure to choose a complementary yogurt so it doesn’t overpower the other flavors. For example, a lot of people don’t like the taste of plain yogurt, but when mixed in a smoothie it usually hides well, but a vanilla or fruit-flavored yogurt might be a better choice because it adds sweetness at the same time. (Just be sure to check for too much added sugar)

You can add extra protein by using Greek yogurt in your healthy smoothie recipe, too.

Don’t feel like you have to use dairy milk, either. Most smoothies made with nondairy milk are really good! Try using almond milk, coconut milk, soy milk or any type of dairy free milk for delicious results.

Use fresh or frozen fruits and vegetables

Fresh fruits and vegetables will always taste better than canned or packaged ones. If you can’t find fresh produce, or are too lazy to cut them up (ahem, guilt here), frozen fruits and vegetables are a great alternative.

Canned or processed fruits and veggies often have extra salt or sugar added, so choose fresh or frozen if possible.

I like frozen for a lot of my smoothies because it’s convenient (I hate cutting up mangoes, for instance, but you can buy them frozen already in chunks) and they also give such a wonderful texture to smoothies. My favorites are frozen mango, pineapple, and berries for fruits, and I love frozen cauliflower and greens for veggies.

Sometimes fresh fruit can be the right choice, though. Fresh pineapple adds a level of flavor not found in frozen, and peaches are the same way. If you have fresh fruit on hand, feel free to use it in your smoothie along with your other nutritious ingredients.

Drink your smoothie right away or freeze for later use

Vegetable smoothies are best when they are fresh, so drink them right away. If you need to save some for later, place them in an airtight container and store them in the fridge for up to 24 hours.

You can also freeze smoothies for later. Just pour them into an ice cube tray or freezer-safe container and store them in the freezer for up to 3 months.

When you’re ready to drink, thaw the smoothie cubes overnight in the fridge or blend them while they are still frozen. Add a little extra liquid if needed. Or if you freeze in one larger container just thaw overnight in the fridge and drink the next morning.

(See our guide to freezing smoothies 4 ways)

Final Thoughts on How to Make Vegetable Smoothies Taste Good

Vegetable smoothies are a great way to get your daily recommended fruits and vegetables, but sometimes they can taste a little… well, green. If you’re not careful, your smoothie can end up tasting more like a salad than a delicious drink. But don’t worry, there are ways to make your vegetable smoothies taste better. Here are some more tips:

Follow these tips and you’ll be on your way to making delicious and healthy vegetable smoothies that taste great. Experiment with different flavor combinations and find the ones that you like best. And don’t forget to add a little sweetness to make them even more enjoyable.

Happy Blending!

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