
Learn all about microgreens here! From the different types of microgreens to how to grow and care for them and even ideas for how to use these nutritional powerhouses in your everyday diet, this is the ultimate place to learn.

How to Grow Microgreens

Learn how easy it is to grow your own microgreens, whether you want them on your plate or for profit.

Types of Microgreens

While microgreens require the same basic care, learn about the nutrient profiles and care tips for all the types of microgreens.

Grow Microgreens Anywhere

No matter how much space you have – you CAN grow microgreens!

Microgreens Growing Guide

Learn how to grow all different kinds of microgreens in this ultimate growing guide – all you need to get started now!

Microgreen Resources

Best microgreen kits

Find the best microgreen kit recommendations in the microgreen shop!

How to Harvest and Store

Tips and tricks to maximize your harvest and storage time.

Microgreen Supplies

Find books, kits and more supplies in the microgreen shop.

Featured Microgreens

Sunflower Microgreens

Learn all about these nutty tasting, amazing greens in this Ultimate Growing Guide.

Broccoli Microgreens

Just like their larger counterparts, but way more nutritious – some of my favorite microgreens!